
Imagine a home where your family will thrive

A sanctuary of indoor and outdoor spaces perfectly designed for every facet of complex, modern family life. An intimate basecamp for your loved ones, and a place where your guests feel right at home.

When you choose a Camp Home, you’ve found the one — your family’s place for generations to come.

A Better Way To Live

Camphomes are spaces for everyone. Imagine your home as a Family Campus, where everyone has their place to withdraw and restore, as well as stunning, flexible spaces to gather and connect. It’s a place where everyone feels welcome, making hosting and visiting easy, relaxing and fun.

Dwelling In Nature

Wherever you are in the home, enjoy the breeze, the views and the sunlight that dapples every room. Throw open large doors and windows, and breathe in the landscape. Linger over outdoor dinners on heated terraces or covered decks, whatever the season. Watch your family blossom as indoor-outdoor living becomes second nature.​

Grow Old Gracefully

Just like families, homes change over time. You need a home to age elegantly, so Camphomes are built to last. We pay attention to the things that matter — using only high-quality materials, solid wood and top-spec fixtures and fittings, that wear well and make your life easier: today, tomorrow and long into the future.


Contemporary yet timeless, Camphomes are built by hand with natural materials.  Each one has a story. Our extensive use of timber means your home is rich, full of character and endlessly energizing. When you choose a Camp Home, it becomes part of your family story.

The team behind Camphomes

British architect Matthew Falkiner and tech entrepreneur Chris Marlett believe deeply in the power of great design to nurture the connections that are so often missing in Western family life. That’s why they set out to bring exceptional design and building to everyone, not just those commissioning bespoke projects.

Their mission: to make spaces where people thrive.

The idea for Camphomes began with Chris’s move to Dallas, where his traditional house had a big yard but nowhere to entertain or spread out.

“The house wasn’t designed for a complex modern family. We wanted to work from home, have parties and breakout spaces where the kids could do their thing. We faced a decision – knock down the home and start again, or add to it. We decided to add two independent structures – an entertaining pool house and a guest house/exercise room. 

It was transformational. Everyone had their own space, and guests felt more at ease. It was a better way to live.”

Chris’s family thrived, forming deeper connections and creating lasting memories. Inspired by this success, Chris teamed up with architect Matthew to bring this joyful, campus-style living to a broader audience. And so the journey began.

At Camphomes our passion is making homes where people thrive

The Dallas home was the first Camp Home-style home. It proved the power of breaking down the areas of a home into separate structures and indoor-outdoor spaces, all connected by breezeways, halls, decks or paths.

In the years that have followed, Matthew and Chris have dedicated themselves to developing a new way of building high-end, campus-style homes – a system based on craft, efficiency and flexibility, where every detail is meticulously considered, to make family life easier and more enjoyable.

Building Process ​

Partnering with local developers, Camphomes will build homes in the Pacific Northwest. We provide design, landscaping, permitting, budgeting, and program planning.  All building components are pre-engineered and are delivered to homesites, where the build process is carried out by our specialized crews.

Our homes are highly insulated and designed with passive home characteristics, they provide high levels of thermal comfort in winter and summer and use low amounts of energy for heating and cooling.

Camphomes building methods lower impact of construction on home sites by working with existing grades and landscaping features. Our reduced overall build time and limited use of heavy equipment allows us to protect existing landscape during the build process.

Discover our homes
